Feb 10, 2009


In elementary school I recall hating brainstorming exercises. I thought it was a waste of time to write down random thoughts that you might never use, and I felt foolish writing down any idea that came to mind, that with further consideration, might not bear relevance to the subject at hand.

The older I have gotten, and as writing and communication have become my career, I have come to love this process. When given the opportunity to compile ideas without critique, I am able to explore ideas that would otherwise remain stifled.

I use this technique with my work, but also for more personal motives. I love, love, love making lists, and tend to combine brainstorming with list-making to express myself when I don't want to write formally.

On an unrelated note, lately I've been thinking more and more about gratitude. I've never been good at keeping a gratitude journal. Ok- I've never even tried but know I wouldn't do too well, but I feel guilty that I do have so much to be thankful for that I don't want to overlook. The list could go on without limits, but aside from the very major, but very often considered things, there are some everyday things that really resonate to me.

my girlfriends are amazing. i can travel. i have popsicles in my freezer right now. my electric bill was ridiculously cheap this month. i have several friends who i can call crying at any hour of the day, no questions asked who would help me with anything i need. i am healthy. i am financially stable. my boyfriend understands me, and loves me nonetheless. my parents prioritized my education. i will always be daddy's little girl. i have so many shoes i could go for three weeks and not double up. i have the ability to trust and love unconditionally. my dog never judges me. i have health insurance. i always have someone to hug. i can give money to charity. i have DVR. i will never again have to do a book report. i like my hair. at age 25 i have finally learned what it means to have faith which is a daily blessing and comfort.

Impossible to list them all. but necessary to remember as many as you can when things get tough.


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